A escasos días de su lanzamiento (en Europa), The wörld is yours, el más reciente disco de Motörhead, está pateando traseros.
Y es que a diferencia del 2009, donde salieron grandes discos de metal (Megadeth, Slayer, Mastodon), en este 2010 que agoniza prácticamente no figuró el género. Pero, como siempre, Motörhead vino a salvarme el año.
Si te estás preguntando quién diablos es Motörhead, puedes ver unos videos aquí y acá, y/o puedes checar su sitio. Resumiendo, la banda se formó en 1975 (nunca han parado) y han grabado (oficialmente) 28 discos. Su sonido es una mezcla de punk, metal y rock and roll. Está integrada por Lemmy Kilmister: el legendario e icónico bajista, cantante y fundador (si no sabes quién es, no eres metalero), Phil Campbell en las guitarras y Mikkey Dee en la batería.
Motörhead tiene un sonido muy bien definido, así que no esperes cambios radicales o experimentaciones de un disco a otro. We are Motörhead, and we play rock and roll, suele decir Lemmy al inicio de sus conciertos.
¡Y vaya que tocan buen rock and roll! The wörld is yours es la prueba.
Con sólo observar la portada del disco uno sabe que está en terreno peligroso si sus oídos han sido embrutecidos por el pop. Breviario cultural: en casi todas las portadas de sus discos figura el famoso Snaggletooth (o Warpig), creado por Joe Petagno.
El disco abre brutalmente con BORN TO LOSE Stand Up! Bite your tongue, hell coming and it won’t be long. Your wasted life, cut to ribbons with a thousand knives. Right now, right here, lose your mind, but show no fear. Burn slow, no excuse, so unkind, born to lose.
Le sigue la veloz I KNOW HOW TO DIE Say the word and I’ll be yours, save me from the killing floor... Don’t believe in miracles and I won’t even try, I know the law I know how to die.
A continuación la rocanrolera (y primer sencillo del disco) GET BACK IN LINE We are trapped in luxury, starving on parole, No one told us who to love, we have sold our souls. Why do we vote for faceless dogs? We always take the bait. All things come to he who waits, but all things come too late. We are the sacrifice, and we don’t like advice, we always pay the price, pearls before swine. Now we are only slaves, already in our graves, and if you think that Jesus saves, get back in line.
Luego la maligna DEVILS IN MY HAND I know where the lightning strikes, I know why the vampire bites, I’ve spoken with the restless dead, I know the minds of rats. And the wrong side of the tracks, I hear the devils in my head... I know where the black flags fly, I know where immortals die, I have heard the mountain giants tread, I have seen the death of worlds, I know the wizards words, I hear the devils in my head... I know the way to hell, I know the padded cell, I have seen many heroes die. I know your nightmares too, And who sends them to you, The one who makes the children cry. I see the cruel insane, I feel their unknown pain, I feel the knives inside their heads. I see we are all doomed, I see blood on the moon, I hear the devils in my head.
Después un himno a ese género que nunca morirá: ROCK N ROLL MUSIC Rock music can wake the dead. You know it’s true when it fills your head. Better remember what I said, you never get enough. When the band hits the road, that’s the time to save your soul. That’s the time to reach for the gold, you know it aint so tough. Rock n roll music is my religion; I don’t need no miracle vision. I don’t need no indecision, look me right in the eye. Rock n roll music gonna set you free? Know its gonna knock you outta your tree. Gonna get you right to where u wanna be, do it till the day I die.
Luego la reptiliana WAITING FOR THE SNAKE Black hole in the sun, I don’t like the way we always run, And if your eyes are closed I better stay awake. You sleep like an angel baby, but I know you’re truly crazy, And I think that we’ve grown lazy, waiting for the snake... Black Death in the room, you sing a different tune, and it will bring your doom, the city starts to shake. I see the world is dying, you know I sure aint lying, I see you pale and crying, waiting for the snake.
Continúa con la poderosa BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAN Slaughter, kill and fighting still and murdered where we stand, Our legacy is lunacy, brotherhood of man. We are worse than animals, we hunger for the kill. We put our faith in maniacs the triumph of the will. We kill for money, wealth and lust, for this we should be damned. We are disease upon the world, brotherhood of man.
Después la machacante OUTLAW Live or die, win or lose, can’t be sure, no excuse. In the street a man lies dead, another dreamer bloody red. Just in time, lightning speed, frozen moment, time to bleed. Know it’s all about to change, try, die, or live again. Born to die, we all know that, today you know the first is last.
Sigue la rompe-cuellos I KNOW WHAT YOU NEED Can you play the traitor? Can you make men believe? Will you to turn and laugh as they burn, I know what you are, I know what you need. Can you play the dead man? Can you cease to breathe? Will you cry when you’re buried alive? I know what you are; I know what you are, I know what you need, I know what you need.
Y cierra con la rocanrolerísima BYE BYE BITCH BYE BYE You don’t know a goddamm thing about the real world, Here’s a short sharp lesson, and I mean every word. You tell me that you love me but I’m just some other fool, So bite the bullet, eat your words, I’ll teach you the rules. Gonna make a fool of you watch out. Make your life a misery; make you shut your mouth. Gonna tell a tale on you, make your blue eyes cry, Then you know it’s adios, bye bye bitch, bye bye.
The wörld is yours es un disco que se puede escuchar de principio a fin, sin adelantar alguna rola y sin dejar de agitar la mata.
Sí, Motörhead, el mundo es nuestro... y ustedes son los líderes.
Aquí en Alemania, de hecho, ya salió a la venta desde hace unos 3 días, yo ya tengo el mío y esta Excelente.
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